are windshield repair kits any good

Have you ever found yourself with a small crack or chip in your car’s windshield? It’s a common problem that can be frustrating, but before you head to the auto shop, you might be wondering if there’s a more cost-effective solution. That’s where windshield repair kits come in. These handy kits claim to fix minor damages on your windshield, saving you time and money. But are they really any good? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

Factors to Consider

When considering whether to use a windshield repair kit, there are several factors you need to take into account. These factors can help you determine if a repair kit is a suitable solution for your damaged windshield.

Type of Damage

The type of damage on your windshield is an important factor to consider. Windshield repair kits are designed to fix certain types of damage, such as small chips, cracks, bullseye or star breaks, and surface damage. However, they may not be effective for extensive damage or structural issues. It’s important to assess the nature of the damage on your windshield before deciding if a repair kit is appropriate.

Extent of Damage

The extent of the damage plays a significant role in determining whether a repair kit is a viable option. While repair kits can effectively fix minor cracks and chips, they may not be suitable for more significant damage. If your windshield has extensive damage, it’s best to seek professional help or consider windshield replacement.

DIY Skills

Repairing a windshield using a repair kit requires a certain level of skill and precision. If you have experience with DIY projects and feel confident in your abilities, you may be able to successfully use a repair kit. However, if you lack experience or are unsure about your skills, it may be best to leave the repair to professionals.


One of the advantages of using a windshield repair kit is its cost-effectiveness. Repair kits are generally more affordable than professional repair services or windshield replacements. However, it’s important to consider the cost of the kit itself and any additional tools or accessories that may be required for the repair. Compare the cost of the kit to the potential cost of professional services to determine the most economical option for your situation.

Time Constraints

Repairing a windshield using a kit can be a time-consuming process, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Consider your availability and the urgency of the repair when deciding if a repair kit is the right choice. If you have time constraints or need immediate repairs, it may be best to opt for professional help instead.

Types of Windshield Repair Kits

Windshield repair kits come in various types, each designed for specific types of damage. It’s essential to understand the different types of kits available to determine which one suits your needs.

Resin-Based Kits

Resin-based kits are one of the most common types of windshield repair kits. These kits include a resin that is applied to the damaged area and cured under UV light. Resin-based kits are effective for repairing small cracks and chips, but they may not be suitable for more extensive damage.

Bridge and Injector Kits

Bridge and injector kits consist of a bridge apparatus and an injector. The bridge is placed over the damaged area, creating a vacuum seal. The injector is then used to force the resin into the crack or chip, filling it and preventing further damage. These kits are suitable for repairing various types of damage and can provide a more precise repair.

Dual Repair Kits

Dual repair kits combine the features of both resin-based kits and bridge and injector kits. They include a resin that is applied to the damaged area, followed by the use of a bridge apparatus and injector to seal and fill the damage. Dual repair kits offer versatility and can be effective for a wide range of damage types.

UV Kits

UV kits utilize a different curing method than resin-based kits. Instead of relying on natural sunlight, UV kits use an ultraviolet light source to cure the resin. These kits are convenient for repairs done in low-light or indoor environments, as they don’t rely on external sunlight for the curing process.

Advantages of Windshield Repair Kits

Using a windshield repair kit can offer several advantages. Understanding these benefits can help you decide if a repair kit is the right choice for your damaged windshield.


One of the significant advantages of using a windshield repair kit is its cost-effectiveness. Repair kits are generally more affordable than professional repair services or windshield replacements. By opting for a repair kit, you can save money while still restoring the integrity of your windshield.


Repairing your windshield with a kit provides convenience, especially for minor damages. Instead of scheduling an appointment with a professional repair service or going through the hassle of replacing the entire windshield, you can conveniently repair the damage in the comfort of your own home. Repair kits typically come with all the necessary tools and materials, making the process straightforward and hassle-free.

Prevents Further Damage

Repairing a damaged windshield promptly with a repair kit can prevent further damage from occurring. Over time, small chips and cracks can worsen due to temperature changes, impact, or even normal driving conditions. By using a repair kit, you can stop the damage from spreading and potentially save yourself from needing a full windshield replacement in the future.

Maintains Original Strength

When used correctly, windshield repair kits can help restore the original strength and integrity of the glass. The resin used in the repair process bonds with the glass, strengthening it and preventing the damage from compromising the windshield’s overall structural integrity. This ensures that your windshield remains durable and capable of withstanding normal driving conditions.

Improves Visibility

Cracks and chips on your windshield can obstruct your field of vision, potentially compromising your safety on the road. By using a repair kit to fix these damages, you can restore visibility and ensure that you have a clear view of the road ahead. This improvement in visibility can greatly enhance your driving experience and overall safety.

Disadvantages of Windshield Repair Kits

While windshield repair kits offer several advantages, it’s important to consider the potential disadvantages before opting for a DIY repair.

Limited Effectiveness

Windshield repair kits have their limitations when it comes to the effectiveness of repairs. While they can be effective for minor chips and cracks, they may not be suitable for more extensive damage. Additionally, repair kits may not be able to restore the cosmetic appearance of the windshield entirely, as some blemishes may remain visible even after the repair.

Not Suitable for All Types of Damage

Repair kits are specifically designed to address certain types of damage, such as chips, cracks, and bullseye or star breaks. However, they may not be suitable for all types of damage, such as extensive cracks that span the entire windshield or structural damage. It’s essential to assess the nature of the damage before proceeding with a repair kit.

Skill and Precision Required

Repairing a windshield with a kit requires a certain level of skill and precision. Achieving a successful repair may not be as simple as it seems, especially if you lack experience with DIY projects. Applying the resin and properly sealing the damage requires attention to detail and careful execution. If you’re unsure about your abilities, it may be best to leave the repair to professionals.

Risk of Bubbles or Distortion

When using a repair kit, there is a risk of creating bubbles or distortion in the repaired area. This can occur if the resin is not properly applied or if air gets trapped during the repair process. Bubbles and distortion can affect the visibility through the windshield and may require additional polishing or repairs to correct.

Not a Permanent Solution

While windshield repair kits can effectively fix minor damage, it’s important to understand that the repair may not be permanent. Over time, the repaired area may experience further deterioration or may not withstand extreme weather conditions. Although a repair kit can provide a temporary solution, it’s essential to monitor the repaired area and seek professional help if necessary.

Quality of Windshield Repair Kits

The quality of a windshield repair kit can significantly impact the success of your DIY repair. Consider the following factors when evaluating the quality of a repair kit:

Brand Reputation

Research the reputation and credibility of the brand offering the repair kit. A reputable brand is more likely to provide a high-quality kit with effective components.

User Reviews

Read user reviews and testimonials about the repair kit. Feedback from other customers can give you valuable insight into the kit’s performance and reliability, see our choice here

Kit Components

Examine the components of the repair kit. Ensure that it includes all the necessary tools and materials for a successful repair. Look for kits that include detailed instructions to guide you through the process.

Quality of Resin

The quality of the resin included in the kit is crucial for achieving a lasting repair. Look for repair kits that use high-quality resin that is specifically formulated for windshield repairs. This ensures that the repaired area maintains its strength and durability over time.

Tools and Accessories

Evaluate the quality of the tools and accessories included in the kit. Ensure that they are durable and suitable for the repair process. Low-quality tools may compromise the effectiveness of the repair and lead to unsatisfactory results.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Windshield Repair Kits

Using a windshield repair kit may seem intimidating at first, but with the right instructions and guidance, it can be a straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to effectively use a windshield repair kit:

Preparing the Windshield

Clean the damaged area of the windshield thoroughly. Use a glass cleaner to remove any dirt, debris, or residue. Make sure the area is completely dry before proceeding with the repair.

Applying the Repair Resin

Follow the instructions provided with the repair kit to apply the repair resin. This typically involves applying the resin to a designated spot on the damaged area. Use the provided applicator or syringe to accurately dispense the resin. Ensure that the resin completely fills the damaged area.

Curing the Resin

Depending on the type of kit you’re using, the resin may need to be cured using natural sunlight or an ultraviolet light source. Follow the instructions provided with the kit to properly cure the resin. This typically involves placing a curing film or covering over the resin and exposing it to sunlight or ultraviolet light for a specified amount of time.

Removing Excess Resin

Once the resin is cured, use a razor blade or other suitable tool to carefully remove any excess resin from the repaired area. Take your time and be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the repaired area or the surrounding glass.

Polishing the Repair Area

To further enhance the appearance of the repaired area, use a polishing compound or resin polish to polish the surface of the repaired area. This can help remove any remaining blemishes and restore the clarity of the glass.

When to Use a Windshield Repair Kit

A windshield repair kit is suitable for certain types of damage. Consider using a repair kit if you have:

Small Chips or Cracks

If your windshield has small chips or cracks, a repair kit can effectively address these damages. Repairing small chips and cracks promptly can prevent them from spreading and potentially save you from needing a full windshield replacement.

Bullseye or Star Breaks

Repair kits are designed to fix bullseye or star breaks, which are common types of damage on windshields. These kits can help you restore the integrity of the glass and prevent further damage.

Surface Damage

Surface damage, such as scratches or minor blemishes, can often be fixed using a windshield repair kit. These kits come with solutions to fill and repair surface damage, improving the appearance of the glass.

Edge Cracks

Certain repair kits are specifically designed to address edge cracks. If your windshield has a crack that extends to the edge, consider using a repair kit suitable for this type of damage.

When to Seek Professional Help

While windshield repair kits can be effective, there are situations where it’s best to seek professional help. Consider contacting a professional if you have:

Extensive Damage

If your windshield has extensive damage, such as large cracks or multiple chips, attempting a DIY repair may not be effective. A professional can assess the damage and provide appropriate solutions, such as windshield replacement.

Structural Damage

Windshield repair kits may not be suitable for structural damage that compromises the overall integrity of the glass. Structural damage requires professional assessment and repair to ensure the safety of your vehicle.

Compromised Visibility

If the damage on your windshield significantly affects your visibility while driving, it’s crucial to seek professional help. Poor visibility can compromise your safety on the road, and a professional can provide the necessary repairs or recommend the best course of action.

Lack of DIY Skills

If you lack experience or confidence in your DIY skills, it’s best to leave the repair to professionals. Repairing a windshield requires precision and attention to detail, and a professional can ensure that the repair is done effectively.

Alternatives to Windshield Repair Kits

While windshield repair kits can be a convenient option, there are alternatives to consider depending on the nature of the damage.

Windshield Replacement

If your windshield has extensive damage or structural issues, a complete windshield replacement may be necessary. While it may be a more costly option, it ensures the safety and integrity of your vehicle’s glass.

Professional Repair Services

Professional repair services offer expertise and experience in windshield repairs. They can assess the damage and provide tailored solutions for your specific situation. If you’re unsure about using a repair kit or if your windshield requires professional attention, seeking professional repair services is a reliable alternative.


Windshield repair kits can be a good solution for fixing minor damage to your windshield. They offer cost-effectiveness, convenience, and the ability to prevent further damage. By considering the type and extent of the damage, your DIY skills, cost, time constraints, and the quality of the repair kit, you can make an informed decision. However, it’s essential to be aware of the limitations and potential disadvantages of repair kits, as they may not be suitable for all types of damage or skill levels. When in doubt or when facing extensive or structural damage, it is advisable to seek professional help or opt for windshield replacement to ensure your safety on the road.

See also:
Are Windshield Repair Kits Easy To Use?

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Stephen Cooper

Chief Editor.

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